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13 Situations Where Parents Hurt Their Children and Don’t Even know it

13 Situations Where Parents Hurt Their Children and Don’t Even know it

Nowadays, there are numerous different recommendations about the way to raise children correctly and that they are often quite controversial. But doctors and psychologists still conduct new experiments, analyze the results, then make new lists of recommendations. within the beginning, the following pointers may sound strange, but once you learn more about the small print , they end up to be quite useful.

Information & tips has reviewed the studies about children’s health and made an inventory of things that are harmful to children, consistent with experts. And at the top of the article, we added a recommendation for all grandmothers, to assist them worry less about their grandchildren.

1. Tickling children

It has happened repeatedly that adults have wanted to form children laugh then they begin ticking them. But a researcher from the University of California acknowledged a few years ago, that tickling doesn’t cause an equivalent sensation of happiness as a funny joke does. it's only an illusion of happy laughter.

In this case, children laugh uncontrollably because the results of a reflex. most people laugh once they are tickled. But the matter is, children laugh, albeit they hate being tickled.

2. Putting toys within the baby’s bed

Not all parents realize that for an honest sleep, babies only need an honest mattress, a sheet, and alittle blanket just in case it gets cold in their room. Sometimes, a pillow are often used (a small and flat one). However, consistent with studies, before a particular age, children don’t need pillows.

Also, children don’t need any special decorations for the place where they sleep because soft toys, or toys of any kind, can become a drag at any moment. they'll wake the kid up or maybe cause breathing problems if the baby accidentally puts their face onto the toy.

3. employing a night-light when your baby is asleep

Leaving even the dimmest light on during a child’s room for the entire night isn't an honest thing. the expansion hormone that's produced while you’re sleeping, is best manufactured by the body in lightlessness . the explanations for employing a night-light are often different. Most of the time, parents roll in the hay for his or her own comfort: it's easier to vary diapers this manner . Some moms and dads are just frightened of darkness, in order that they leave the sunshine on to stop the baby from developing these phobias and that they think night-lights can help.

Tracy Bedrosian, a neurologist at Ohio State University, recommends that folks who can’t stop using the sunshine should replace it with the proper quite light. Experiments showed that green light moves the mechanism for about 90 minutes and therefore the blue light moves the clock for about 180 minutes, so it becomes much harder to sleep well. The red and therefore the orange light don’t suppress the assembly of melatonin the maximum amount as green, white, and blue light do and don’t disrupt your circadian rhythms.

4. Shaking your baby

Every parent has been during a situation when it had been hard to place children to bed without shaking them. Sometimes, this process takes such an extended time that moms and dads are already exhausted, but their baby still isn’t.

Pediatricians claim that it's possible to avoid these problems if you teach your baby to follow a sleeping schedule from birth and obtain obviate any external and internal irritations like hunger, wet diapers, noise, uncomfortable clothes, and things of this nature. If you can’t avoid shaking them, confirm you don’t roll in the hay for an extended time which your motions are smooth.

5. Hiding mirrors from children due to popular superstitions

There is a well-liked superstition that warns parents against showing children mirrors because “they might fall ill .this is often a very strange concept, consistent with pediatricians and psychologists from everywhere the planet . Doctor Suzy Green, the founding father of The Positivity Institute, recommends that oldsters play with their children employing a mirror because it helps with the event of self-awareness, something that's rare within the animal world.

At different ages, children have different reactions to their reflection within the mirror, but it's always a desirable and positive experience for them.

6. Creating a sterile environment for youngsters

We are wont to thinking that cleanliness is extremely important. But researchers from different countries agree that when the environment is just too clean, it's bad for the child’s development. Sterile environments hamper the formation of a robust system that's able to fight infections, and that they promote allergies like asthma, rhinitis, and atopic eczema .

The biggest mistakes that oldsters make are cleaning the apartment too often and an excessive amount of and prohibiting their children from coming into contact with pets. the sooner a toddler deals with a possible allergen, the faster their system will learn to treat it as a traditional thing.

7. Teaching children to use the potty too early

The potty may be a very controversial topic. the foremost important thing is to not follow the recommendations from folks that aren't experts. Don’t expect your children to only start using the potty once they are one or one and a half years old. At this age, they still don’t skills to properly react to the signals of their bodies.

Child urologist Stephen Hodges says, “Sooner or later, the kid will learn to regulate their signals. this is often once they will start to use the potty. The bladder needs about 3 or 4 years for normal development. Free urination — for instance , within the diapers, actually helps the event of the bladder.”

8. Letting children walk barefoot on flat surfaces

Children start to steer at about the age of 1 , on the average . When this happens, some parents rush to stores to shop for some home shoes and other parents let their children walk barefoot. Researchers still don’t agree on which is best, but they are doing agree that not all surfaces are good for walking.

It is great if children have an opportunity to steer barefoot on sand, grass, or smooth rocks. But it's not very useful to steer on perfectly flat tiles reception . This way, the muscles of the feet don’t develop properly and therefore the entire load is placed on the tendons. this might cause problems within the development of the foot.

9. Making children finish their meals

Many grandmothers (and some parents) become really sad when their children don’t want to end their meals. they begin trying to convince the youngsters , blackmailing them, or maybe threatening them. So, the plate finishes up being clean, but the sole people that are happy are the oldsters .

Few people know that this behavior contributes to the event of bad food habits. there's no way they will learn to know their bodies, but they are doing find out how to overeat.

Besides, there's absolutely no got to give children tons of food directly , because it’s an excessive amount of work for his or her gastrointestinal system . they have only one meal and one drink.

10. Spoon-feeding

Amy Brown, professor of kid public health at Swansea University, says that we shouldn’t help children to eat once they can already use a spoon by themselves.

“The children that are spoon-fed longer than they ought to be, are more likely to possess extra weight problems within the future. within the process of feeding, it's hard to inform when the youngsters are full. As a result, they overeat.”

According to researchers, children that eat their own, have the power to erode their own pace and study the taste of the foods, which helps them to develop the proper attitude toward food.

11. Protecting children from allergens

Swedish experts claim that so as to scale back the danger of developing an allergy to some foods, parents should limit their children as little as possible when it involves the foods they eat.

Göran Wennergren, professor of pediatrics at the University of Gothenburg, says, “It isn't only not harmful to offer children foods with allergens at an early age, but it’s quite beneficial. The system learns to react to them properly. A typical example is fish. this is often why we recommend giving children crushed fillet from the age of 4 months.”

The opinion of the professor was proven by another study that was done recently by Israeli and British scientists. Parents from the Jewish community in London didn’t give their children peanuts and youngsters in Israel tried spread before they were even one year old. Statistics don’t lie: the youngsters from Israel were less likely to possess allergies than the youngsters from London.

12. Forcing children to share

At the age of two , children start to treat themselves as people and therefore the things they own are perceived as things that belong to them. this is often why anyone who wants to require something from a toddler is treated as an intruder. Unfortunately, only a few parents actually understand this. Moms and dads don’t want their children to be seen as greedy people. this is often why they could force them to share toys or food.

Psychologists, however, are convinced that by doing this, we raise “convenient” children. they're unable to listen to their own desires and that they act against their own wishes. within the end, they get older to be men and ladies that can’t say “no,” even when it's in their best interests.

13. Wrapping children in clothes when their hands and legs are cold

If the feet, palms, or the nose of a toddler aren't very warm, it doesn’t mean that the kid is cold: due to the unique features of blood circulation and vascular tone in children, it's okay for these body parts to be cooler than the remainder of the body. the traditional temperature within the children’s room should be between 68°F and 72°F. In these conditions, children don’t need hats, socks, or gloves: the skin should be ready to breathe and have contact with the air.

By the way, it's much easier and far more dangerous to overheat a toddler , than it's to form them cold. the foremost obvious signs of overheating are a wet neck and therefore the color of the skin, which should be pale pink under normal circumstances. If the skin is overly pink or maybe red, it means the baby is just too hot which they have to require off a number of their clothes.

Do you think that a number of these recommendations are useful? Or should parents decide what's best for his or her children?

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